Ensure computer is powered on/awake
Power on TV
Select HDMI1 input/source for computer with TV remote
Click on screen to prompt login
Use MSUFGP credentials (same to log into your workstation)
Initial login will take longer than normal the first time to configure your unique profile
Connect to VPN?
You will need to download and save your unique certificate ONE time only on each conference room PC of which requires admin privileges.
Please contact Kandy or Jason prior to your need for assistance.
*See back for directions on installing VPN certificate
Own device to project on screen?
Connect HDMI cable to your laptop (may require an adapter depending on connections)
Ensure other end of cable connected to the back of TV
Select proper input/source for your device with TV remote
May need to connect to wireless network for internet
Questions or want a tutorial? Please see Kandy or other IT Staff.
Download VPN certificate
Select Remote Access from the top menu
Click Fourth option “install”
Open location
Right click to copy
Click on start button
Open This PC
Click on C:
Program Files
Open VPN
Right click to paste your copied file from the download
Connect as usual from system tray icon