Unique media per subject

REDCap allowed for the embedding of media into a data collection form. This is often a audio of video clip. This is done by specifying the url of the media that should be embedded. It is possible to use the piping feature of REDCap to make these links custom for each subject or event. To do this, create a new variable to hold the location of the subject specific media. For this example, url was used. This variable can be marked with the action tag @HIDDEN or @HIDDEN-SURVEY so the participant does not see the link. Next, set the Embed media value to be the piped version of this variable, which in this case is [url].

After this configuration, the user specific values of the piped variable can be either entered through the standard data entry screens or imported using data_import.

Additional notes

You can click on this piping button for more information within REDCap.